
PRESS RELEASE – August 16, 2023



Prattville Mayor Proposes $355,000 for Library Amidst Controversy Surrounding Pornographic Material for Minors

Prattville Mayor Proposes $355,000 for Library Amidst Controversy Surrounding Pornographic Material for Minors

Prattville Mayor Proposes $355,000 for Library Amidst Controversy Surrounding Pornographic Material for Minors

Prattville, AL – On Wednesday August 16th, Prattville Mayor Bill Gillespie released his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2023-2024. If approved, Gillespie’s budget would provide $355,000 in taxpayer dollars to the Autauga-Prattville Public Library which has been the center of public controversy for the better part of 2023.

“The library continues to violate state law and basic human decency by providing children access to pornographic and obscene materials,” said Hannah Rees, executive director of Clean Up Alabama. “Any city councilor who votes for the mayor’s proposed budget before the library issues are addressed simply enables the library to continue sexualizing the children of our community.”

Prattville isn’t the only community experiencing these issues with their library. Unelected bureaucrats in libraries across Alabama are making the conscious decision to provide children with access to books ranging from radical gender ideology to outright explicit sexual content and the elected officials are just allowing it to happen.

Elected officials have numerous options to put a stop to the overreach of the public libraries. From adopting ordinances prohibiting anyone from allowing minors access to pornography to pursuing civil action to abate a nuisance per state law, local officials not only have the ability to do something but they have a duty to protect the children in their communities.

Rees continued, “If a politician fails to stop a public library from grooming children then votes to give that library taxpayer dollars, he or she is complicit and will be held accountable by the people of this state.”

To learn more about Clean Up Alabama, visit or follow us on Twitter @CleanUpAlabama

About Clean Up Alabama
Clean Up Alabama is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that exists to safeguard the well-being and innocence of children by advocating for a safe and enriching environment in the children’s sections of our public libraries.

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Clean Up Alabama Proposes Disassociation from the ALA

Clean-Up Alabama, an expanding movement of parents initially called Clean-Up Prattville, attended the Alabama Public Library Service (APLS) meeting August 10, 2023.

Our goal was to discuss the issues facing parents in Prattville, and across the State of Alabama, as it relates to inappropriate reading materials in our public libraries.

We strongly believe inappropriate materials should be removed from areas accessible to minors in our libraries. We also believe the state Library Service should cut all ties with the American Library Association (ALA).

We focused our attention when speaking to the board on the ALA policies that shape the policies of the APLS and ALL public libraries across the State of Alabama as well as the accreditations Alabama librarians receive with their library science degrees.

The APLS board’s response was lukewarm at best with the exception of John Wahl who shared in our concerns with the inappropriate and often sexually explicit materials that have been flooding into our libraries.

We appreciate the three State Representatives who attended the meeting with us because they share our concerns: Rep. Rick Rhem, Rep. Bill Lamb, and Rep. Susan DuBose.

The board did not vote on disassociation during the meeting, but we are encouraged by John Wahl’s motion to start an investigation into how the APLS can move forward. He also requested an opinion from the Attorney General’s office as well. The Chairman of the board agreed to allow his request to move forward. We look forward to seeing what comes of Wahls’s investigation in the coming weeks as we seek to protect the children of Alabama and assure our public libraries reflect the community standards and values of the people of Alabama.

About Clean Up Alabama
Clean Up Alabama is an organization dedicated to protecting the innocence of Alabama’s children by advocating for the removal of pornography and obscenity from our libraries’ children’s sections. For more information on Clean Up Alabama, contact by email at

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